The 501c Incubator Council has a growing portfolio of products in development (patent apps pending), products pending launch, business resources, business & operations services, and online store operations. Proceeds from all are used to cover Intern & Fellowship Stipends, license, renewals & other compliance fees, tech & web operations, other back office expenses.
Absorbing everything on the backend is how the volunteerism became a formal Consulting firm that continued its volunteer work, today its a group of charities. Because this always worked this way, the Incubators charitable services and body of offerings are always expanding and going further. This also means more can be delivered complimentary or for pennies on the dollar even with the assistance of businesses we
have formally named our Pollination Partners Network (PPN).
Our Procurement mirrors Govt requiring Business to Register, but for us those Registrations Place them in our CunNECT, our global business Directories which means they automatically appear in EVERY business directory published in our network.
Our Market is 501c Startups, Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, they have specific needs, tight budgets if any at all, our Registrations pre-Approve Applicants based on the service & discounting criteria as articulated in in our RFA (request for application). If we receive an RFA, the Registrant/Applicant has agreed to its content, criteria, expectations, transitions and henceforth is part of the Incubators to Pre-Approved network Pollination Partner Businesses. This means they are eligible and open to do business with us directly, as well as all the charities within our growing network of charitable organizations current, pending & future, and most importantly our varied markets of stakeholders as well as other PPNs both Freely as an auto-referral.
This is exactly what a startup needs given funds are typically limited if availability at all.
Pollination Partners
We’ve amassed wealth of Partnership titles over the years that have been offered used define desired alignments. While they are all appropriate, we decided to make things a tad simpler — one name, many categories.
Pollination Partners was overwhelmingly perfect. Its accurate in reflecting how we partner up and the intended impact, aligns as well to our name change. Now subcategories make sense to define to where those partnerships occur.
We have several new membership, a startup-small business market exchange, several podcast all launching this year, a temporary site for our online supply discount network went live, plus the near completion of our training incubators virtual library design. All very different resources with different levels of engagement so those partnerships need to be different as well. Even so, Pollination Partners Networks is accurate & all encompassing
Incubator Charities
Below are some of the charitable orgs & programs we’re launching over the next year. Each are hyperlinked so you can visit their pages.
In addition to updating with new biz names & developments, those with websites are getting business directory –this is where your company will be listed.
Click the logo for a sneak peak!.
HIATUS: COVID & Shutdown Delayed Programs & Services
We have a number of endeavors that remain delayed thanks to the 2018 Shutdown, COVID and a number of other Govt or Legislative Actions and we’re anxious to get them going. The interim websites for those endeavors are in redevelopment and will come back online as soon as is possible.
Sponsors Welcome!
Meantime, to check out the images provided, feel free to visit our In-House Forms Library which houses registrations forms, Archived Promos, and other materials so you can get a sense of what’s happening. Promos to be updated will be labeled ARCHIVED and still reference our previous business names & activity dates, captions below indicate launch status.
We are confident you’ll want potential client, member & visitor-facing presence on our venues including these. Interested in more? Sponsors, Partners & Premier Pollination Partners all enjoy additional exclusives reserved for them as one of many Thank You’ ‘for their generous support. Happy Viewing!
Request for Applications (RFA)
Because we operate so uniquely and with new businesses learning what they need, we learned early on the the traditional procurement process would not work — there was always too much going on for a Solicitation Process to make sense. So we’ve model our process and married the most efficient components from our longest two pools of customers — Federal Govt Procurement and Foundation Charitable Grant-Giving.
The result is our 3PM Procurement System. 3PM is fueled and fulfilled by one instrument, our RFA, Request for Applications and is the only way OEMS, Suppliers, Vendors, Merchants & Other Offerors can do business with us and be recommended to serve our various pools of Exempt Startup, Entrepreneurial & Small Business Stakeholders.
RFAs are straightforward questionnaire used to catalog offerings, there is a nominal Application/Registration Fee to cover processing. Submitting the RFA results in your company becoming a Pollination Partner, in some cases a Premier Pollination Partner. There is a Badge for display, this is how our Stakeholders will identify you as a vetted, approved, business referral we would use ourselves.
RFA builds the pool of Go-To vendors, suppliers, Merchant Service Providers, Developers, OEMs from all the varied types of Offers there are. Businesses registered in 3PM plus Businesses subscribed to Directory Listing make up our Pollination Partners. Updates continue and we hope to publish our RFA in the near future. We look forward to welcoming Offerors as Pollination Partners and joining the BizInc Council as a solution provider to its underserved market of exempt entrepreneurs.
We do not issue RFPs, RFQs or RFIs.
On the rare occasion there is no Provider and in-house service is not possible, a Request for Referral (RFR) project & requirements summary will be shared with colleagues, existing Pollination Partners. After screening, we’ll advise our Customers/Awardees/Clients of the talents that’s available to help them.
New Info
In addition to several business name changes, The Incubator has elevated several services into new charitable organizations and programs. Those websites must updated/included. Once completed the RFA will be published to our EarlyBird Registration Site, and the RFP Database.
The RFA includes info on our procurement process, special directory listing packages, new and special their discounts, exclusives for early registrants and special perk access for resource connection that cannot be shared in the public domain.
Ours is a close community so word spreads unbelievably fast, hence our populating business directories and procurement system before they launch. Nothing worse than being overwhelmed and not being able to meet the demand for help.
In 2015, by time our Foundation’s first FULL year hit its 2/3rd mark, we had received 188 request for assistance — all with no budget for marketing or ads. This was the trigger that prompted our restructure and expansion a few years later. We never caught up, the 2017-18 Shutdown, followed by COVID and no recovery in between just made things worse.
Now we are reopening and reemerging as a substantially larger charitable operation. Since we’re retooled we are Ret-2-Go. All we need are Partners like you to share the load and provide this ignored market with businesses who want to do business with them, on par with for-profit Startups & Entrepreneur who have business, grants, technical assistance and other assets thrown at them.
RFA vs. Procurement & Doing Business
The market we serve are also our peers, so we don’t have to look for them, they’re already on our door step asking for help, guidance and support. We also we know from experience what they deal with and what its like to be ignored, underserved, excluded from participation.
So creating ones own solutions and innovating to put essential resources in place is automatic. So is knowing how to clarify what’s needed and aiding others to do the same.
That’s another reason why our procurement:
- mirrors components of the Federal Govts procurement system but flexible for us and streamlined to our specific needs,
- designed as a first of its kind, Cross-Pollinating, Open-Access and Self-Sustaining Startup-to Small Biz-to-Established Business environment
- equally creates service, revenue-generating & supportive business opportunities across markets.
Very empowering to serve and have no competition. But it takes help, that’s where you come in.
A Perk of our EarlyBird Registration discount drive is automatic placement in our 3PM Procurement System.
You still will be required to complete & submit an RFA, we’ll discount that as well. Once resources start going live and we have a good pool of Pollination Partners, only those who have completed an RFA will be entered in our Procurement System & available to help us & our Customers.
3PM registrations include Certification Badge to display as an Authorized Pollination Partner of the EFF-501c Biz Incubator Council.
Our Charitable Smiles Foundation (CSF) is a network of health & well-fitness charities. Some already formed, others forthcoming, Registrations to serve our CSF Charitable Network will be included in 3PM as well.
Business Directory Listings and our 3PM Procurement System are totally separate engagements.
The Business Directory Listing gets you visibility to everyone coming to our website products.
Our RFA is what gets you auto-selected to do business with us, for project serving our Network of Charities, for Special Project Deliverables for our Natl Chamber, Founders Assn, Impact Solutions Working Group, and all “future” membership groups we establish, referred to Awardees & other Customers for their own initiatives.
Much of our work is confidential, so many of our Customer-facing engagements will be exclusive. We will only recommend & utilize Offerors who have submitted an RFA.
Our Procurement needs will require non-English Speaking Pollination Partners to help serve ALL our non-English speaking Stakeholders.
Hope to you join us, thanks for your time!
Our sites are created and maintained by Volunteers & Interns whose time and effort we are very appreciative of.
Thank you!