Since before its formation as a Sole Proprietorship, 501c Business Incubator Council, LLC (501c BizIncCncl)™ has been helping startups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.
Years later this effort would focus solely on helping those who others ignore, working to assure they have equal access to tax & financial services, funding, professional development, communications, technical assistance, and fairly priced goods and services — that included then focused solely on the exempt startup, entrepreneur, and small business concern.
The BizInc Council operates solo in some areas and with Partners motivated to help it help others by following the Incubators model of B2B service thru donated and/or discounted offerings.
Revenue from Directory listings helps create resources when connections are not possible, but its registering to do business with us as a Pollination Partner that provides the B2B opportunities both within our Charitable Collaborative and with the Entrepreneurial Market we serve — a largely ignored market that grows by 950,000 each year.
Thanks to the 2017-18 Govt shutdown, then COVID in 2020, this single-Member LLC has been quietly transitioning. Beginning with by its Foundation elevated this a small national Fiscal Sponsorship charity into the nations first Economic Development Enterprise and Multi-Lingual Workforce Training Incubator for 501cs supported by a growing collaborative of sibling charities that actually began as Foundation services.
Promoting programs & services into individual charitable organizations was seamless and even the program are positioned to become individual charitable organizations. The LLC has always functioned as a small business incubator, its now an official 501c Business Incubator Council, managing its own charities that operate at the national level.
The BizInc Council is even chartering its own federal credit union in order to guarantee exempt business, especially those just starting out, have banking and lending services that speaks to their specific needs as legally registered business concerns who just happen to be tax exempt.